Selasa, 05 Juli 2016

My Dear

My Dear
You are a strong person...
You printed by the enormity of a situation that happens all around you
From there you become a true fighter...Not easily influenced, high persistency, and consistent with yourself...
Unconsciously it makes you became an outstanding Achiever in several area where you've been challenged...

My Dear
I know you are strong, but yet you are still human...
Sometimes you still need some rest...take a time to take a deep breath...
I know you are a fighter, but yet you still a social creature...take a time to talk slowly and cold headly
I know a lot of people trying to make an advantage from you, and you are need to be careful indeed..
However you need to give some trust a little bit to someone you truly love..
Yes It may hurt you, but believe me the one who love you will do his best to keep you away from hurt...

My Dear
I know a lot of people likes you...
You should grateful for that
I know a lot of people adore you...
You should thankful for that
However among that crowd I believe there is only one you really love..
I'm hoping that you will not get drown by the people who likes and adore you...
I'm hoping that you will defend your loved compare to others...
I'm hoping that you will not forget who really love you...
And I'm hoping that it always be me who fill your heart as your loved one...

Because I Love You...

Sakit & Bahagia

Sakit itu...

Ketika kita didiemin tapi gak tau sebabnya
Ketika satu hari sebelumnya ketawa-ketawa, tapi hari ini disapa pun jawabannya hanya Ok "saja"
Ketika kita ikut diem tapi juga malah salah karena katanya kita hanya cari pelarian belaka
Ketika bertanya ataupun tidak bertanya hanya ada salah di kita
Ketika akhirnya amarah yang berkuasa

Bahagia itu...

Ketika kita bisa tertawa bersama-sama
Ketika apapun topiknya selalu menjadi cerita bersama
Ketika semua masalah itu bisa dibicarakan dengan pikiran terbuka
Ketika hati selalu bertaut dan optimis jalan itu selalu ada
Ketika cinta dan rasa sayang yang selalu menjaga

Apa yang harus dilakukan?....

Hanya engkau yang tau....

Apa yang harus dikatakan?...

Tergantung kapan Engkau mau...

Apa yang dapat disepakati ke depan?...

Dengan seluruh kebingunganku....aku sendiri hampir tidak tau....

Bingung, gundah, serba salah, kangen, dan cinta semua menjadi satu....